Let's Build a Website That Actually Works for Your Fitness Business

We help health and fitness professionals build websites that clarify their message, get found on Google, and generate more sales and revenue. Guaranteed.

  • Get Found on Google

We’ll make sure you rank higher so more people can find you.

  • Convert More Leads

We’ll put your website to work for you and convert more leads into sales.

  • Grow Your Business

Unlock exponential potential with a website that actually drives results.

Building a Successful Website is Hard

If You Don't Have a Plan

  • Your Business Gets Lost Online.

  • You Spend Money on Things That Don’t Work.

  • You Move Forward Without a Proven Plan.

And that leads to lost clients, missed revenue, and feeling like you’re constantly drowning in your fitness business. We don’t want that for you. Strength Matters has crafted professional websites for hundreds of fitness businesses like yours, turning digital chaos into clear, proven strategies that work.

Here's What We Do

We Specialize in Website Design and SEO Services for health and fitness businesses


Website Design

Transforming ideas into digital masterpieces. We craft unique, memorable fitness websites that not only captivate audiences but also fuel business growth and engagement. Your vision, our expertise.


SEO Services

Having a Website is Just the Start: Our SEO services ensure your fitness site not only stands out but also attracts the right audience. We build your online presence and make sure it's seen.

We Get It – Website Design is Hard

Creating the right fitness website can be daunting. We’ve been there. The balance of design and function, the tug between aesthetics and usability—it’s a lot. But we understand, and we’re here to help you navigate it. A website must capture attention, convey a message, and spur action. The intricacies can be overwhelming, but rest assured, we’ve been in your shoes.

What Our Clients are Saying...

It Has Changed My Whole Business...

"The Strength Matters Team crafted a sleek website that not only generates new leads but integrates everything in one app. This saves me time and hassle, letting me focus on growing my business. Their expertise in website design and SEO has transformed my online presence, making me look more professional and streamlining my operations. Their first-class service has been a game-changer for my business."

Saski Ford - Massage Therapist

4 New Clients in the 1st Month - Incredible!!

"In just a month after my new website went live, I've seen a huge spike in leads. I've just had another two new clients book-in, in 24 hours, which is mind-blowing! My old, ineffective website held me back for a decade, but now, I'm on track for a waitlist by the new year. A tip for those considering this: be ready for more business. Keep your calendar clear, as you'll need the space for all the new clients. It's a great problem to have!"

Joshua Hughes - Personal Trainer

How Much Does it Cost

Save Thousands on Expensive Web Design and Get Found on Google. Guaranteed.

Website Design

Starting at £97


No Long Term Contracts. Transparent Pricing.

  • £5000 £0 Set Up

  • £3000 £0 SEO Set Up

  • Custom Website Design

  • Search Engine Optimized

  • We Migrate Your Old Website

  • We Write Your Content

  • We Source Images

  • Payments/Invoicing

  • Calendar Booking

  • Web Chat

  • Missed Call Text Back

  • Text to Pay

  • Review Management

  • Google Analytics

  • Mobile App

  • Black Belt Business Academy

  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

** $125/monthly US

How it Works

Book Your Free Strategy Call

Click the book a strategy call button and we will arrange a time and a place to phone you. This call will be up to 15 minutes long. Getting to know you is the first, and the most important step to see if we can help.

Speak to an Expert

We know web design. Tell us what you need. We’ll dig deep, listen intently, and determine if we’re the right fit for you because sometimes, we’re not. It’s all about getting to know you first. Let’s figure out if we can help grow your business.

Get a Website That Works

There’s a difference between a website that just exists and one that performs. Together, we’ll build a website that ensures your site doesn’t just look good, but delivers results. Get clients. Get found on Google. Or your money back.

To Transform Your Fitness Business, You Need a High-Converting Website! We'll Build it for You...

Introducing Websites by Strength Matters - the most effective solution for fitness professionals who want a website that attracts, engages, and converts visitors into leads and sales. This is more than just a website; it's a complete client management system backed by SEO to increase visibility on Google. Our clients call it the "Game changer in fitness business growth". You'll call it the best decision you've made for your fitness business."

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is this for?

This service is specifically tailored for fitness professionals and fitness business owners. Whether you're a personal trainer, own a gym, run fitness classes, or operate in any other fitness niche, our Website Design Service is designed to cater to your unique needs. If you're looking to attract more clients, streamline your online operations, and stand out in a crowded digital landscape, this service is for you.

What Does the Website Package Include?

The Website we build for you is not just a regular website; it's a powerhouse for growth. It includes:

**A responsive website design tailored for the fitness industry.
**SEO optimization to ensure you rank higher on search engines.

**Built-in client management features to help you track and manage customer data.

**Effective lead generation tools to convert visitors into clients.

**Integrated booking and payment systems for hassle-free appointments and transactions.

**Automated review collection processes to build your online credibility.
**Continuous support to ensure your website remains up-to-date and effective.

And much, much more.

Why Is the Website Build Offered for Free? What's the Catch?

Over the years, we've witnessed countless fitness professionals being grossly overcharged by web designers. The pain of seeing hard-working individuals part with their hard-earned money, only to receive subpar websites, hurts us deeply. It doesn't have to be this expensive, nor this frustrating.

It's heartbreaking when passionate professionals, eager to expand their digital presence, fall victim to overpriced services that don't deliver results. Sadly, this is an all-too-common story in today's digital landscape.

This is where we step in with our free Website Design service. We've decided to break the cycle and give you the start you truly deserve. We'll build the website, and write the copy for FREE. You just pay for the software features you need to run your business.

But here's our sneaky ulterior motive: once you witness the undeniable power of our system and start generating more revenue, we're hopeful you'll consider leveling up. By becoming a black belt VIP member, you'll gain access to our comprehensive coaching. Our goal? To guide you in scaling and enhancing your business even further. We're in this for the long run, and we're betting on your success.

How Is This Different From Other Web Design Services?

Most web design services deliver a site and leave you to figure out the rest. We go beyond. Our focus is not just on design but on results. Every element of our Website Growth Engine is optimized for the fitness industry, ensuring high conversion rates and client engagement. Plus, with our built-in SEO and client management features, you're not just getting a website; you're getting a comprehensive online business platform tailored for your success.

I've Had Bad Experiences With Web Designers Before. How Do You Ensure I Won't Be Disappointed Again?

It's a story we've heard all too often. Fitness professionals like yourself invest hard-earned money and precious time into web designers, only to end up with a website that falls flat, failing to capture the essence and objectives of their business.

That sense of betrayal is real. Beyond the financial setback, it's a blow to your confidence and momentum. Each day your website underperforms, potential clients might be looking elsewhere, and your brand reputation could be at stake. It's easy to feel trapped in this frustrating loop, questioning if there's anyone out there who truly gets it.

This is where the Website Growth Engine sets itself apart. We're not just another design service. We run our own fitness businesses, so we genuinely understand the intricacies and nuances of the industry. We know what works.

Our focus is to craft a website that doesn't just look good, but one that genuinely resonates and drives growth. But don't just take our word for it: We offer a full 90-day money-back guarantee. If we don’t deliver on our promise, you get your money back.

No long-term contracts, no strings attached. You can cancel anytime. This places the onus squarely on us to perform right from the outset.

We're in this together, and we’re committed to ensuring you’re not disappointed again.

How Do I Know This Will Work for My Specific Fitness Business?

Every fitness business is unique, but the fundamental requirements for a successful online presence remain consistent. We've helped a wide variety of fitness professionals, from personal trainers to yoga instructors, from gyms to health clubs. Our approach is tailored, ensuring your website aligns with your brand and objectives.

How Long Will It Take To Have My Website Up and Running?

The typical timeline for our Website Growth Engine process is between 4-6 weeks from the initial strategy call to when the site goes live. However, this can vary based on the complexity and specific needs of your project. It's essential to understand that the process is a partnership.

The speed at which we can proceed often depends on the timely feedback, materials, and inputs we receive from you. We're committed to efficiency without compromising quality, but collaboration is key. The more proactive and responsive our partnership, the smoother and swifter the build process will be.

What If I Already Have a Website? Can You Revamp It?

We've encountered many fitness professionals who have a website, but it's outdated, not user-friendly, or just doesn't represent their brand the way they'd like. They often feel stuck, unsure if they should start from scratch or try to improve what they have.

An outdated or ineffective website can be more of a liability than an asset. It might not resonate with your target audience or may even be driving potential clients away. When your website doesn’t communicate your story or the value you offer effectively, you miss out on opportunities, and your business growth can stall.

Absolutely, we can revamp it! We don’t just give your website a new look; we strategically redesign it using our expert advice and copywriting skills. Our focus is on crafting a narrative that genuinely connects and resonates with your prospective clients, making them feel understood and compelled to work with you. Leveraging our deep understanding of the fitness industry, we'll ensure that your revamped website is not just aesthetically pleasing but also a powerful tool for business growth.

Do I Need to Buy Any Additional Software or Subscriptions?

No, our Website Growth Engine is a fully integrated, all-inclusive solution designed to cater to your every need right out of the box. This means all the essential features you require are integrated into the system. There won’t be any hidden costs or surprise software requirements down the road that could catch you off guard.

To be fully transparent, if you decide to elevate your experience and opt for our Black Belt level services in the future, we might recommend specific plugins or features. These suggestions aim to enhance site speed, functionality, or introduce new capabilities, ensuring your website remains top-tier.

However, these potential additions are typically recommended for businesses already generating over $15,000/month and are always optional. We prioritize giving you full control over your platform and expenses.

How Do You Ensure My Website Is Optimized for SEO and Will Rank On Google?

SEO isn't just an add-on for us; it's a fundamental building block. When constructing your website, we strategically intertwine SEO principles at every layer. This begins with ensuring your site structure is search-engine friendly, making it easy for Google's crawlers to navigate and understand your content.

We also implement keyword-rich content tailored specifically for your target audience. By analyzing current trends and understanding what potential clients are searching for, we craft content that not only resonates with visitors but also signals to search engines that your site is a relevant and valuable resource.

Beyond the content, we pay keen attention to technical aspects that influence SEO, such as optimizing images to ensure they load swiftly without sacrificing quality, enhancing site speed, and ensuring mobile responsiveness. We also set up proper meta tags, schema markup, and other behind-the-scenes components that can give you an edge in search rankings.

But here's the best part: while we're diving deep into these technical SEO intricacies, you don't have to stress or get lost in the jargon. We handle all the "clever tech stuff" so you can focus on what you do best: serving your clients and growing your fitness business. Your website's SEO health is in expert hands.

I'm Not Tech-Savvy. Will This Be Overwhelming?

We totally get it. The tech side of things can feel like an uphill battle, especially when you're in the fitness industry and your expertise lies elsewhere. Navigating a sea of coding, plugins, and web configurations can seem like a daunting task.

It's frustrating when all you want to do is connect with your clients and grow your fitness business, but you're bogged down by the complexities of managing a website. The worry that one wrong click might mess something up or the anxiety of not knowing how to update a certain section of your site can be overwhelming.

This is exactly why we designed our Website Growth Engine with you in mind. We've streamlined everything to make our platform as user-friendly as possible. No coding, no tech jargons, just a straightforward system that works. Plus, our team is always by your side to guide you through every step, ensuring you never feel lost. But more than that, our primary goal is to handle the intricate tech details so you don't have to.

This means you can spend more time on what truly matters: serving your clients and nurturing your passion for fitness. Rest easy knowing the technical side of things is in capable hands.

Can I Integrate My Current Booking or Payment Systems?

Absolutely! Our Website Growth Engine is designed to work harmoniously alongside popular booking and payment systems such as MindBody, Team Up, and equivalent platforms. The intention isn't to replace these systems if you're running a gym or similar establishment; instead, our engine enhances their capabilities.

We recognize that many fitness professionals have grown accustomed to the functionalities and conveniences of their current systems. As such, the Website Growth Engine acts as a complementary tool, supercharging your marketing efforts and expanding your online reach. This means that while these systems handle the daily operations, bookings, and payments, our platform ensures your business stands out in the crowded digital space and reaches potential clients effectively.

For seamless integration, we utilize tools like Zapier to connect various platforms, although the compatibility will vary depending on the specific system you're using. Our dedicated support team is always on hand to assist with any integration queries or to guide you through the process to ensure your website operates smoothly and efficiently.

What Kind of Support Will I Receive After My Website Is Built?

Building your website is just the beginning of our journey together. We firmly believe that having a great website is one thing, but knowing how to harness its full potential is another ballgame altogether. That's why every user gets exclusive access to our Black Belt Business Academy. Within this academy, we equip you with the knowledge and tools to exploit your website's features to their maximum capacity, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve.

Initially, we invest substantial time ensuring you're comfortably set up. Our guidance doesn't end when your website is live; we make sure you understand its workings inside out. And trust us, once you've got the hang of it, managing your site becomes second nature.

But we don’t stop there. As your business flourishes, we want to be right beside you, cheering you on and adapting to your evolving needs. Our three-tiered plans – Launch, Grow, and Scale – are a testament to this commitment. These plans are tailored to businesses at different stages of their growth trajectory. As you scale up, our services do too, introducing you to more advanced features and strategies.

At each stage, we offer training to ensure you’re making the most of the new functionalities. In essence, our support system is holistic, ensuring not only that you have a fantastic website but that you're also adept at leveraging it for continued success. We see this as a symbiotic relationship – as you grow and thrive, so do we. And we’re in it for the long haul.

How Does The Client Management Feature Work?

Our client management feature is designed with the fitness professional in mind, ensuring it's as intuitive as it is powerful. At its core, the system is meant to help you streamline and automate your business operations, allowing you to focus more on what you love – training and coaching.

Firstly, the versatility of this feature is accentuated by the accompanying app, which ensures you're always connected, even on the go. Whether you're in between sessions, out for a run, or away on a fitness retreat, you can manage client appointments, feedback, schedules, and more, right from your phone.

The depth of the client management tool varies with each of our packages, catering to different needs. For instance, while the basic package offers essential features, as you scale up to more advanced plans, you unlock premium functionalities like detailed client analytics, advanced scheduling tools, and more in-depth communication channels.

Despite the varying depths of features, the principle remains constant: simplicity and efficiency. Every feature, from booking to feedback collection, is streamlined to be user-friendly. With just a few taps or clicks, you can handle tasks that previously required hours of manual input.

In essence, our client management system isn't just about storing client data. It's about transforming the way you run your business, making it smarter, more efficient, and ultimately more profitable. And with everything housed under one digital roof, your operations have never been smoother.

What's the Difference Between the Launch, Grow, and Scale Packages?

Navigating the realm of online business platforms can often seem daunting. Let's break this down so you can clearly understand the distinct offerings of each package and find the perfect fit for your fitness journey.

As a fitness professional, you're in a constant state of evolution, moving from one stage of your business to the next. You need a platform that aligns with your current stage, without overburdening you with tools you might not yet need.

Choosing a mismatched package could either leave you short on vital features or have you overpaying for functionalities you're not ready for. This could hinder the growth and scalability of your business.

Each of our packages has been meticulously designed to cater to a specific phase in a fitness professional's business journey:

Launch (£97/monthly): This package is tailored for fitness professionals who are in the foundational phase of their business, typically earning less than £5,000 per month. It provides all the essential tools, such as a free website, payment/invoicing systems, a calendar booking system, web chat, and several other features to get your business off the ground.

Grow (£197/monthly): Being our most popular package, 'Grow' is for those professionals who've laid down their business's foundational bricks and are now looking to expand their reach, typically those earning less than £15,000 per month. Apart from everything offered in the "Launch" package, you also get advanced features like a CRM system, email marketing tools, website form builder, and a suite of powerful automations to enhance your outreach.

Scale (£297/monthly): As the name suggests, this package is for the go-getters. Fitness professionals earning more than £15,000 per month and aiming for the skies. It’s a comprehensive package for those looking to make a significant impact in the fitness industry. In addition to all the features from the "Launch" and "Grow" packages, you get tools like a membership platform, quizzes and surveys, social media planner, affiliate manager, and more, ensuring you have everything you need to run a large-scale operation.

In essence, our three packages cater to the natural progression of a fitness business - starting, growing, and scaling. By aligning with these stages, we ensure you have the right tools at the right time, giving your business the best chance to thrive.

How Do I Determine the Right Package for My Business Needs?

Selecting the ideal package for your business is crucial, as it impacts both your immediate and long-term growth. Here's a guide to help you determine which package aligns best with your needs:

1. Assess Your Current Business Stage: Recognizing where your business currently stands in its growth journey can be challenging, especially when daily operations cloud your vision. Without a clear understanding of your present status, you could either under-utilize resources or overextend your budget.

Launch Package: If you're still in the foundational stages of your business, earning less than £5,000/month, and need essential digital tools to set the stage for future growth, this is your best bet.

Grow Package: Suitable for those in the intermediate phase, earning less than £15,000/month. If you're looking to expand your reach, improve processes, and leverage advanced marketing tools, this package will propel you forward.

Scale Package: Aimed at businesses that have already achieved substantial growth, earning more than £15,000/month, and are looking for comprehensive tools to scale efficiently and diversify offerings.

2. Identify Your Core Needs: With an array of features available, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones are truly essential for your business. Opting for features you don't need can lead to unnecessary expenses, while missing out on vital tools can hinder growth.

If basic digital functionalities like payment processing, booking, and basic communication tools are your primary needs, the Launch package will suffice.

If you're looking for more advanced CRM capabilities, sales funnels, email marketing, and automation, the Grow package will be instrumental.

If you require a holistic suite of tools, including membership platforms, in-depth reporting, and content tools like blogging, the Scale package is your comprehensive solution.

3. Consider Your Future Goals: It's common to only focus on immediate needs, overlooking the bigger picture and future ambitions. A shortsighted approach might lead to frequent transitions between packages, causing disruptions and potential financial implications.

Reflect on your long-term goals. If rapid expansion is in the cards in the near future, investing in the Grow or Scale package from the outset could be more beneficial, providing you with the tools you'll soon require.

Lastly, remember that our team is always here to assist. If you're unsure or have specific queries about any feature, don't hesitate to reach out. Our goal is to ensure that your selection not only meets your current needs but also aligns with your future ambitions.

Why Are There Different Price Points for Each Package?

Each business, especially in the fitness industry, has its unique needs, challenges, and growth stages. We're deeply conscious of the different requirements fitness professionals face at each stage of their business journey, and our pricing reflects that understanding.

Many fitness professionals feel overwhelmed with packages that offer too many features, most of which they might not use at their current stage, paired with hefty price tags.

This not only results in financial strain but also adds to the confusion of navigating tools and features that aren't immediately relevant. For a fitness professional earning less than $5k per month, the focus is typically on building client relationships, delivering quality training sessions, and managing long hours. Adding the pressure of mastering advanced digital tools can be daunting and counterproductive.

For those in the early stages of their business journey, we've designed the Launch package. We understand that at this level, fitness professionals are often busy setting up their brand, building a client base, and might be training all hours of the day. The features in this package are tailored to support these specific needs without overwhelming you with unnecessary tools. Blogging, video content creation, and managing a team might not be on your radar yet, and that's okay. We don’t want to sell services that you're not ready to utilize, and certainly don't want to put you under any additional financial strain.

As your business grows and you begin earning more, your needs change. Perhaps you're starting to focus on scaling, diversifying offerings, or automating certain tasks to reclaim some time. This is where the Grow and Scale packages come into play, offering more advanced tools at a price point that aligns with the revenue you're generating.

In essence, our tiered pricing is designed with your best interests in mind, ensuring you get value for your money without feeling burdened or overwhelmed. We're here to support your growth, every step of the way.

What Does "No Fixed Contract" Mean?

Many professionals feel locked in when they enter into long-term contracts for services, fearing a mismatch with the unpredictable future needs or shifts in their business direction.

These binding commitments can cause significant discomfort, especially when it becomes clear that the service doesn’t align with changing expectations or an evolving business model. Such inflexibility can hamper growth and decision-making.

Our "No Fixed Contract" approach ensures you aren’t tethered to our services for a fixed duration. We genuinely believe in the immense value we bring, and we have a strong confidence that you'll appreciate it. However, recognizing the dynamic nature of businesses, we prioritize giving you the flexibility you deserve.

But, and this is crucial, if you do decide to part ways, we ask for a 30-day notice. This isn't just a formality; it's to safeguard your interests. Instant cancellations might mean you lose valuable data or functionalities. With the 30-day transition period, we can assist you in moving out smoothly, ensuring you retain everything essential to you. Your best interests always come first in our partnership.

How Does the 90-Day Money Back Guarantee Work?

In the world of digital services, trust is a scarce commodity. Fitness professionals, having possibly faced broken promises in the past, are often hesitant to commit to a new service, fearing wasted investments and dashed hopes.

Every penny and every minute you invest in your business is valuable. Making a commitment based on promises alone can feel like a blind leap of faith, especially when there's significant money involved. The risk of disappointment or feeling trapped with a service that doesn't deliver can be a daunting prospect.

To put your mind at ease, we've introduced the 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. It's straightforward. From the day we start working with you, you have a full 90 days to experience everything the package offers. Dive deep into the features, test out the systems, and see the results for yourself.

If, after giving it a genuine shot, you feel it’s not the right fit for your business, just let us know. We’ll refund your money, no questions asked. We stand by the quality of our service, and this guarantee is our pledge to your satisfaction. Your success and trust are paramount to us, and we want to ensure you're making the best decision for your business without any reservations.

Are There Any Setup or Hidden Fees Involved?

In today's digital age, many professionals are used to seeing a promising upfront price, only to be met with a slew of unexpected fees and costs that weren't immediately disclosed. This can create a sense of mistrust and uncertainty when engaging with new services.

It's frustrating and disheartening. Just when you thought you had budgeted wisely for a service, hidden charges emerge from the shadows, upsetting your plans and potentially causing financial strain. This lack of transparency can lead to second-guessing your decisions and feeling taken advantage of.

We believe in transparent and straightforward pricing. Our commitment is to be clear from the outset. The prices you see for our Launch, Grow, and Scale packages are what you pay. There are no setup fees or concealed charges lurking in the fine print.

However, as we journey together and your business evolves, there might be additional functionalities or tools that we recommend, but these are always suggestions and never obligations. We'll always discuss these with you upfront, ensuring you're making informed decisions every step of the way. Our goal is to foster a long-term partnership built on trust and clarity.

Can I Upgrade or Downgrade My Package At Any Time?

As businesses evolve, their needs can shift. Sometimes growth is faster than anticipated, or unexpected challenges arise, leading to changing requirements from tools and services. Yet, many platforms make changing packages cumbersome, or they impose penalties.

This inflexibility can be frustrating. You're essentially punished for success if you outgrow a package, or penalized during tougher times when you need to scale down. It feels like you're stuck in a rigid system that doesn’t understand or cater to the dynamic nature of business.

We recognize the fluidity of business, especially in the fitness industry. That's why we've made our packages flexible. You can upgrade or downgrade your package based on your evolving needs. Whether you're expanding faster than anticipated and need the robust features of the 'Scale' package, or you find that the 'Launch' package suits you best for a while, we're here to accommodate.

All we ask is for a bit of notice to ensure the transition is smooth and that your website and its features continue to run seamlessly. Your success and adaptability are our priorities.

What If I'm Earning Close to the Threshold of a Package? Which One Should I Choose?

As your earnings hover near the threshold of a package, it's natural to wonder whether you should upgrade or stay put. The last thing you want is to stretch your budget too thin or miss out on key features that could be a game changer for your business.

This crossroads can bring about financial concerns. You might be questioning if an upgrade will be sustainable for you in the long term, especially if you're just on the cusp of the next bracket. On the flip side, you don't want to hinder your growth potential by not accessing tools that could accelerate your success.

Affordability is paramount. Our packages have been carefully designed with your financial well-being and business growth in mind. If you're approaching a package threshold, consider your financial comfort first and foremost. Always choose a package that feels sustainable and doesn't overextend your budget. It's essential that our services remain affordable for you.

We structured these packages to ensure that fitness professionals at all stages have access to tools that match their current needs without financial strain. Our team is on standby to help guide your decision, ensuring that the choice you make aligns with both your business aspirations and financial health.

Is There a Discount for Paying Annually?

When committing to a service long-term, fitness professionals often look for ways to maximize their investment and save money.

Making monthly payments can sometimes feel like a constant drain on your budget, especially if you're planning to stick around for the long haul. The anticipation of a potential saving when paying upfront is understandable.

Yes, we've taken this into account. If you decide to pay annually for our services, you'll effectively get two months free. It's our way of rewarding your commitment and ensuring our services remain affordable and valuable for you. It's always in our interest to prioritize your financial wellbeing, and this discount is just one way we show that.

What Happens If I Surpass My Earnings Threshold for a Given Package?

As fitness professionals see growth in their businesses, they often worry about outgrowing their service packages, fearing unexpected charges or being forced into pricier options.

The excitement of business growth can be overshadowed by the anxiety of escalating operational costs. This concern can even hold back some professionals from aggressively pursuing growth opportunities.

Our packages are designed with flexibility in mind. If you surpass your earnings threshold, it doesn't automatically bump you to the next package. However, we'll reach out and discuss your needs.

The thresholds are guidelines to help you identify which package might serve you best based on where your business currently stands. If you feel that the features of your current package continue to meet your needs, you can remain on it.

Our primary aim is to ensure you're getting the best value and the right tools for where you're at in your business journey.

How Do the Website Speeds Differ Between the Packages?

In the digital age, the speed of your website is paramount. A delay of even a few seconds can be the difference between gaining a new client or losing them to a competitor. Just like when streaming a movie, no one likes the dreaded buffering symbol.

Think of it like your home internet package. The basic package might be sufficient for regular browsing, but if you're a gamer or stream movies, you'll want the premium package to avoid lags. Similarly, while all our website packages are optimized for speed, as your business grows and garners more traffic, so does the need for a more robust package to handle that growth without any hiccups.

Every package we offer ensures a fast and responsive website. However, as you move from "Launch" to "Grow" and then "Scale", the performance gets even better. The reason for this? Higher packages have access to more advanced (and pricier) features and plugins designed specifically to enhance site speed.

The "Grow" package is faster than the "Launch" due to these features, and "Scale" is the pinnacle of performance. Imagine it's like choosing between standard, fiber, or super-fiber broadband – each step up offers a noticeable increase in speed.

We ensure even our base package gives a commendable speed, but if you're looking for the crème de la crème of performance, the "Scale" package is the way to go.

Why is the "Grow" Package Labeled as "Most Popular"?

In a market inundated with choices, it can be challenging to determine which package or product truly delivers value and which is just marketing hype.

Selecting the wrong package or product can lead to unnecessary expenses, frustration, and missed opportunities. You want to ensure that you're not only getting the best value for your money but also choosing an option that aligns perfectly with your current business phase.

Our "Grow" package is labeled as "Most Popular" because it's the choice that many of our clients find strikes the right balance between features and price. It's designed for fitness professionals who have surpassed the initial stages of setting up their business and are now keen on scaling up.

The package includes an array of tools that cater to businesses earning up to £15,000/month, offering them the capabilities they need without overwhelming them with tools better suited for much larger operations. The popularity of this package signifies its effectiveness and suitability for many in the fitness profession, ensuring that it's a tried and tested solution.

Why Is Strength Matters Building Websites for Personal Trainers?

Many fitness professionals are struggling to scale their businesses. They either drown in a flood of new leads without the right systems to manage them, or they can't even generate the leads in the first place due to an inadequate online presence.

I, James Breese, have witnessed this firsthand. Despite having a master's degree in computer science and years of experience building every Strength Matters website from scratch, I've seen many fitness business owners get lost in the vast world of digital marketing.

They often lack the fundamental systems that serve as the backbone of a thriving online business. These foundational gaps can make growth strategies ineffective, taking longer to see results and leaving fitness professionals feeling exhausted, frustrated, and trapped.

This is precisely why Strength Matters has dived into building websites for personal trainers. We understand the pivotal role that a solid web presence plays in the success of a fitness business. Our Website Growth Engine is not just about creating an online space; it's about building the essential systems that allow your business to flourish.

We want to ensure that our coaching strategies for scaling your business are set up for success from the outset. By equipping you with the right tools and foundation, we aim to transform your business from one that feels draining to one that offers flexibility, freedom, and growth. Automation and robust systems are the keys, and we're here to hand them to you.

Why Do Some Experts Claim I Don’t Need a Website? Debunking the Myth

You’re hearing it everywhere: “You don’t need a website to succeed in fitness.” It's a bold claim, often made by influencers who've built their empires on platforms that didn't even exist a decade ago.

Let’s break this down. When influencers say you don't need a website, they're often rooted in their own success stories. But here's the catch: they operate in a world of algorithms they can’t control. Imagine building your house on rented land. One day, it's sunny; the next, there's a storm, and the landlord changes the rules. Platforms come and go. Remember MySpace? Vine? Social media is vital, but it's fleeting. The terms can change. The audience can shift. Ads can become pricier. Your reach can drop without warning. And where does that leave your business?

A website is your permanent address in the digital world. It’s where people find validated, trustworthy information about you. It's your piece of the internet where you set the rules, not some distant algorithm. More than just your online business card, a website gives you credibility. It's a place where your audience can engage with your content, sign up for your offers, and buy your services without distractions.

In a world where digital platforms can be here today and gone tomorrow (or just change their algorithm overnight), having a website is like owning prime real estate. You control it. It's the foundation upon which you can build a lasting business, regardless of the ever-changing winds of the digital landscape.Sure, use social media, be an influencer, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Have a home base. Own your digital footprint.

In short, you need a website. Don’t let passing trends convince you otherwise.

Can I View Some Sample Websites You've Previously Developed?

Absolutely! A prime example of our capabilities is the strengthmatters.com website. We've employed all the tools and features available in our "Scale" package for this site, and we host it on the reliable platform of WordPress. It's not just a showcase of our design and functionality prowess; it's a testament to the highest level of service we offer.

In fact, every interaction, every email follow-up, or booking form you’ve encountered leading up to this page? That’s the power of our system in action.

Want a tangible measure of our site's performance? We suggest putting it to the test. Use GT Metrix and plug in our web address. You'll get a comprehensive report showcasing the site’s speed and efficiency. Go ahead and compare it to your current site or any other.

For a deeper dive into our portfolio, head to the 'Case Studies' section on our homepage. There, you can explore a variety of websites we've meticulously crafted for our satisfied clients.


Get Your Very Own Fitness Website That Works...

Unleash the power of your own Fitness Business Website. We don't just craft beautiful fitness websites; we design high-converting, SEO-optimized platforms with built-in client management features. Best part? We build your powerful website for FREE. Say goodbye to costly, ineffective sites and embrace growth with ease.

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